Fast and reliable delivery of your international and national mail.

Maillog specializes in low shipping costs, smooth processing, and fast delivery of your mail items. This is made possible by 30 years of experience and a large international postal network.


Robert Stadler and Nicole Kabicher will be happy to advise you:
Gerne kooperieren wir mit Werbeagenturen und Druckereien oder unterstützen Sie bei den Herausforderungen im Postversand.

Priority Mail

Priority is ideal for all types of business correspondence including letters, invoices, account statements, contracts and reports. Naturally also for urgent direct marketing campaigns and other time-sensitive mailings up to a unit weight of 2 kg.

Economy Mail

Economy is the cost-effective shipping option for non-time-critical consignments without special labeling. Letters are transported by truck or combined ground-air route, without priority treatment. Don't worry, if time is not an issue, you pay less - we offer efficient and affordable standard services!


We deliver your mailing directly to the national postal service in the target country, minimizing costs and transport. Direct delivery has the advantage of national franking, gives your mailing a local touch and often increases the response rate. Useful from 500 - 1000 items.


Als Ihr zuverlässiger Wegweiser in der Welt der Postdienstleistungen stehen wir Ihnen stets zur Seite, um Sie über Neuigkeiten zu informieren. Mit uns bleiben Sie immer auf dem Laufenden:
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