Optimize outgoing mail with Maillog.
Daily, reliable, quick
Maillog solves your problems with mail items. We collect your mail daily and ensure that it is posted at optimized rates. Convenient daily collection saves your employees from having to go to the post office and saves the company planning and personnel costs.
Reduced staff costs
No vehicle costs
Personnel planning not applicable
Optimized shipping costs
Reliable, daily pick-up
Processing of enrollees
Also for parcels and courier/express
- Daily pick-up
- Recording and documenting quantities
- Identify consignment types
- Separate program formats
- Check machine capability
- Postage
- Guarantee minimum quantities
- Online tracking of parcels and express/courier
- Cost center separation
Nicole Kabicher and Robert Stadler will be happy to advise you.

Suitable shipments
- Letters
- Invoices
- Reminders
- Policies
- Catalogs
- Goods shipments
- Promotional brochures
- Hotel prospectuses
- Parcels up to 31.5kg
- Domestic & abroad
- Books
- Express
- Courier
- Enroller